Thursday 29 November 2012

Read Manga Bleach Chapter 518

Read Manga Bleach Chapter 518

You can read manga Bleach chapter 518 at this online popular manga site. Here is the summary of Bleach chapter 518: Urahara calls back to Soul Society via a video screen projected out of Kon. Urahara, Orihime and Chad appear on the screen to show Ichigo that they are alright, but suddenly a familiar and hostile voice rings out in the background. That person is chased out by Orihime and Chad. Urahara tells Ichigo that they've made an arrangement with that person and also tells Ichigo to do what he thinks is necessary. After the call, Ichigo asks the bald bearded captain about fixing Zangetsu, and the bald captain states that there is some Reijutsu that can reforge the blade into something resembling the original. Ichigo agrees to go with Zero Division, but is surprised that they have to go to Kukakku's place to launch the column elevator back into the sky. Ichigo wonders where's Ganjuu, but Kukakku refuses to tell. After Ichigo and the Zero Division is launched, Ganjuu appears and Kukakku tells Ganjuu to go back to training with Ginjou, Tsukishima and Giriko. After a short bumpy ride, Ichigo and Zero Division arrive at the Soul Palace.

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