Wednesday 30 January 2013

Read One Piece 697

read one piece 697

You can read One Piece 697 at this online popular manga site. Here is the summary of One Piece chapter 697: In a flashback, Law is surprised by Luffy's plan on taking down all of the Yonko, and warns him that he is heavily underestimating them, as they are powerful enough to challenge Whitebeard before his death. Law continues on saying that Kaido is said to be the strongest creature alive, and even with their alliance, the probability of succeeding in defeating Kaido is still only 30%. Nami says the chances are too low, and they should not agree to the alliance. Despite her protesting, Luffy agrees to the alliance.

Back to the present, Law tells Smoker that he is planning on heading to Green Bit with the Straw Hat Pirates, and remarks that he has his hands full with them. The children are getting ready to leave the island on the tanker with the G-5 Marines. The Marines then draw up a line and tell the Straw Hat Pirates not to cross the line, as they are pirates and therefore, a strain on humanity. The Marines continue to badmouth the pirates, but the pirates largely ignore this, and Nami tells Chopper that Vegapunk is going to help cure the side effects of the drugged candy. As the Marines keep badmouthing the pirates, the children want to thank the pirates for helping them, but cannot do so, as the Marines are trying to prevent the children from doing so. The children are upset since they are the ones who asked the pirates to rescue them but cannot thank them, let alone say goodbye to them. Tashigi stops the Marines, saying that it is disgraceful for them to prevent the children. The Marines explain that they are badmouthing the pirates so they will not grow to admire and respect them, despite the fact that they are pirates. They then break down in tears, as Tashigi laughs and Smoker groans. The children thank the pirates for rescuing them, and say that when they grow up, they will become pirates, to which the Marines protest.

Afterwards, Doflamingo is seen crossing the New World when he notices a raft. The raft holds the decapitated heads of Baby 5 and Buffalo as well as a Den Den Mushi. Baby 5 and Buffalo apologize for their failure in taking back Caesar Clown, but Doflamingo tells them to relax, as they were doing as he ordered. The Den Den Mushi then speaks up, revealing to be from Law. Law tells Doflamingo that he has Caesar, and wants to discuss business. Doflamingo laughs and tells him that he does not do business with kids, and warns Law not to screw with him. Law ignores that, and says that Kaido is Doflamingo's principle trading partner. If Kaido learns that Doflamingo cannot produce any more Smiles, then he will have to suffer the consequences, terrifying him. Increasingly becoming frustrated, Doflamingo asks what does Law want in exchange for Caesar, to which Law tells him to step down from the Shichibukai, a status he worked over a decade to attain. As pointed out by Law, this resignation would also leave him open to the wrath of the Admirals. If the next day's newspapers have the news of Doflamingo's resignment, Law shall contact him again, but if the newspapers does not have the news, then the deal is off and Doflamingo will have to deal with Kaido. He then drops the call, leaving Doflamingo infuriated.

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