Friday 22 February 2013

Read Bleach 527

read bleach 527

You can read Bleach 527 at this online manga site. Here is the summary of Bleach chapter 527: Zaraki stabs Unohana but screams for Unohana not to die because he hasn't fought enough yet. Unohana dies happy having brought out Zaraki's true power, and Zaraki then hears the voice of his zanpukto calling out to him.

Meanwhile back at Nimaiya's shack, Renji has stands bloodied but triumphant but Ichigo seems to have flunked Nimaiya's test. Ichigo wants to continue but Nimaiya states that the asauchi didn't choose Ichigo which means he's not a real shinigami and therefore Nimaiya is not going to fix his zanpukto. Nimaiya tells Mela to remove Ichigo and send him home. Ichigo breaks free, but Nimaiya sends Ichigo away with some teleport technique.

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