You can read manga Naruto chapter 611 at this online popular manga site. Here is the summary of Naruto chapter 612: Having reinforcements from Allied Shinobi Forces arrived, Madara and Obito disagree in Naruto's ambitions and chastise him of the hope the Allied Shinobi Forces clings to as non-existent resulting to a difference of opinion in both sides. After the short debate, the Allied Shinobi Forces deploy and Naruto asks Shikaku,through Inoichi's Mind Reading, what their strategy is. Shikaku then explains the strategy he was able to come up with while Naruto and The Uchihas had their discourse. First step was to slowdown their movements and blind their eyesight which was executed by a combined Lightning Illusion Flash of Lightning Pillar and Storm Release: Laser Circus technique by all the Kumogakure ninja which Madara easily retaliated. Second step was to let the currents of the previous attack manipulate the Wind Release: Air Current Dance jutsu and the Insect Jamming Technique executed by Sunagakure ninja and the Aburame Clan to completely impair the sight and sensory of Madara, Obito and the Ten-Tails which Obito praised as effective wanting to end the battle as soon as possible. Third step was to incapacitate the Ten-Tail's body using a Earth Release: Moving Earth Core jutsu executed by Iwagakure ninja, followed by a Lava Release: Quicklime Congealing Technique and a Water Release justu performed by all of the Kirigakure ninja, finished with a combined Fire Release: Great Flame Technique executed by Konohagakure's Sarutobi Clan which hardens the lime surrounding the Ten-Tails. With the end of the strategy, Madara states how suprised he is that shinobis from different countries were able to pull a perfect combination. Shikaku informs them that they have to defeat Madara and Obito while the Ten-Tails is still restrained recommending the Logistical Support and Medical Division to coordinate with Naruto to exploit Obito's weakness and telling all shinobi who are skilled in taijutsu to deal with Madara. As the Allied Ninja Forces charge, Madara and Obito mockingly sympathize them for their stubborness in clinging to heir hope as they state that the Ten-Tails will soon reach it's perfect stage.